Title: Nowness. Acrylic and stitch artwork on linen. This artwork is stretched and framed in a white timber floater frame. This artwork may be purchased alone, or as part of a series: The second artwork is listed, Title: Chaos.
Size: Framed 38cm x 38cm
Title: Nowness. Acrylic and stitch artwork on linen. This artwork is stretched and framed in a white timber floater frame. This artwork may be purchased alone, or as part of a series: The second artwork is listed, Title: Chaos.
Size: Framed 38cm x 38cm
Title: Nowness. Acrylic and stitch artwork on linen. This artwork is stretched and framed in a white timber floater frame. This artwork may be purchased alone, or as part of a series: The second artwork is listed, Title: Chaos.
Size: Framed 38cm x 38cm